Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Writing Prompt Wednesday: A Favorite Song

Hello friends! For today's writing prompt I am going to write about why I love my most favorite song. It may seem like a weird prompt but I think it'll be a good one. Be sure to tell me all about your favorite song in the comments below or send me a link to your own blog! 


I hope you watched that video and read the lyrics. One of the reasons I love Christina Perri so much is because of the incredible lyrics she writes. 

Before I met my husband I had gone through a lot. I had been broken and beaten down so many times before that the thought of even talking to another boy was too difficult, or anyone for that matter. I had almost completely closed myself off from the rest of the world, hiding from all the pain life had dished out to me before. Ultimately, I had given up. 

When I met my husband I was so closed off that it was hard for me to let him get close. Like the song says "I believe that's it easier for you to let me go." I didn't want to face another relationship and let myself get hurt again. I honestly couldn't "find a reason to be loved". It didn't make sense to me why anyone would fall in love with the broken shell of a girl that I had become, yet when he held me... "you put your arms around me and I'm home." 

Never before had a song so accurately described me and how I felt. I was so conflicted thinking I didn't want a relationship ever again yet slowly falling for this man who truly loved me. But ultimately...

"I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth and I've never opened up, I've never truly loved till you put your arms around me and I believe that it's easier for you to let me go."

I believe that Arms will be a favorite of mine for a long time because of the profound effect it had on me by being so similar to my situation, a situation that ultimately led to the greatest decision of my life, marrying Chris.

Don't forget to tell me about your favorite song in the comments below! Thanks for reading!! 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Broken Laptops

Way back in January my laptop broke and I lost all my writing files. I would have been more upset if I didn't have a technological dad who I know can retrieve those files for me, but he hasn't yet, and I now live in a different state so he can't really get them to me.

So I started using my husband's laptop to work on my stories. But as of yesterday, that laptop is now also broken. I'm so incredibly ticked off! I have the worst luck with laptops!

My husband and I are going to take the laptop in somewhere to see if we can get it fixed, and perhaps buy a new one, with the money we don't have. Sigh. Our apartment complex has an office area where I am currently using the computer to write up this blog post. But I feel like I can't write in my stories much in such a public area... I don't trust people.

The point is, I'm unhappy because I don't get to write as much as I would like to and I'm incredibly sick of having laptops die on me... because that's laptop number three... ugh!!

If you have any suggestions for laptops we should buy, let me know in the comments below! 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Thoughts About Allegiant

In the future I plan on doing book reviews on this blog and I am planning on doing an official review of the whole Divergent series in which I won't give anything away, just share my opinion of it. However today's post is different.

Last night I finished reading Allegiant by Veronica Roth and I needed to talk about it. My feelings, thoughts, etc. And since I didn't have any friends who have finished it yet, I'm turning to the internet world.

This post has major spoilers about the ending of Allegiant so I highly recommend you do not read this post unless you have already finished reading it!! Please don't ruin it for yourself or get angry for me ruining it, because I warned you.

Click below to keep reading.

Writing Prompt Wednesday: About Me

Because I'm am just starting out on this blog I think it's good for you to learn a little bit about me. So for my writing prompt this week I'm simply just going to write about myself.

My name is Kaylee Rochelle Ostrowski Farnes. Not legally though. Legally I'm Kaylee Rochelle Ostrowski, my name given at birth. But over a year ago in May of 2013 I got married to a Farnes. While it's not legal, most people still call me Farnes. And while I think Ostrowski is much cooler, it's nice to be a Farnes.

I was born in November 1990 in Lancaster, California. I don't remember anything about living there though. When I was about two we moved to Utah and I always consider Utah my home, even though at this very moment I am living in Texas.

I had a very normal life. I have a wonderful family and we're all really close. My mom and dad are incredible and my brother and sister are my best friends. My sister is 26 and is going to graduate school at BYU. My younger brother just graduated high school and will be attending UofU. I went to USU in northern Utah and while I'm leaving with just an associates, I consider it one of the greatest decisions of my life.

I grew up incredibly shy and with a very intense fear of having someone tease me for what I say. I was a very quiet person and had a really hard time making friends, something that I still struggle with. I am still very introverted and quiet, but I've really gotten better at speaking to people I don't know. I also have a rough struggle with depression and have gone through a lot of pain in my life because of it, but I also think I've gotten better because of it.

When I was in third grade I had to write a personal narrative. I chose to write about my mother's recent miscarriage. My teacher had my read my story to the class and she made me believe that I could be a writer. I started writing stories ever since. I knew back then just as I know now I want to publish a book and I will work my hardest to do it.

When I was almost 21 I met Christopher Farnes and we quickly started a relationship and became best friends. Everyday I am so grateful that I met him and everyday I just love him more and more. We've been married a little over a year and I cannot wait to spend the rest of eternity with him.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


My name is Kaylee Farnes and I love to write. Ever since I was nine years old I knew I wanted to be a writer, to write and publish books. Now, at the age of 23, I'm really starting to make my nine year old dreams a reality.

I have been blogging for a few years now on a small site called When The Cows Come Dancing Home. It's a personal blog that also includes some fashion, recipes, random thoughts, marriage tips, and much more. But I wanted to create another blog, one where I can talk about my goals, successes, and failures in writing. Where I can write poems and short stories.

This blog is about writing and my journey to (hopefully) becoming an author. I would love for you to join me along the way.